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Economics for Clergy & Nonprofits


Carefully review the information below before continuing to Registration.


What are the dates and location of the seminar?

November 25th & 26th, 2019

8 a.m.-4 p.m. on Monday, November 25th (followed by evening group gathering)

8 a.m.-3:00 p.m. on Tuesday, November 26th


Blue Harbor Resort Spa & Conference Center

725 Blue Harbor Drive

Sheboygan, WI


Who is eligible to apply?

All clergy and nonprofit leaders affiliated with Family Bridges are eligible and encouraged to apply for the program.


What is the deadline to apply?

The registration/application deadline for the Clergy & Nonprofits program is Friday, October 25th, 2019.


How will attendees be selected?

The OAFEE reserves the right to choose attendees based on application and availability. A maximum of 25 attendees will be chosen to participate in the program. Accepted applicants will be notified by email following the registration deadline of October 25th, 2019.


Is there a registration fee?

Due to the rescheduling of the original dates for this event, and partnership with Family Bridges, the $20 registration fee has been waived for this program. No payment will be collected.


What is the cancellation policy?

As a professional courtesy (and to avoid hotel fees incurred on behalf of the OAFEE), please contact us three days prior to the start date of the event, should you need to cancel at any time following confirmation of your attendance.


Can my family join me?

Yes! We welcome all attendees to bring their families. Spouses are encouraged to attend as a seminar participant (separate application is required.) The OAFEE will cover accommodations in a Family Suite (sleeps four), or other, as determined by OAFEE's discretion and hotel availability, at the Blue Harbor Resort. The resort offers diverse amenities for guests of all ages. 


Please Note: For the benefit of all registered attendees, the seminar itself is an adults-only program. Entertainment and supervision of children during instructional hours is the responsibility of attendees and their families.


What is included in the event?

The event includes two days of professional instruction in economics and related topics pertintent to the audience in attendance. Food and drink (breakfast, lunch and snack service) are provided for the duration of the program. In addition, a group gathering with drinks and appetizers will be planned by Family Bridges on Monday evening at the conclusion of the class session. Families are welcome.


A two-night stay (Sunday, November 24th and Monday, November 25th, 2019, with checkout on Tuesday, November 26th, 2019) in a Family Suite, or other, as determined by OAFEE's discretion and hotel availability, at the Blue Harbor Resort. Water park passes are included for up to four guests per room. (Be aware that due to fall hours, the waterpark will close at 1 p.m. on Monday.) 


All eligible participants will receive a program scholarship in the form of a personal check for $150 upon completion of the seminar. Please allow at least two weeks for processing following the event.


Please Note: Incidentals incurred beyond overnight room fee and taxes are the responsibility of the seminar attendee. A credit card will be required upon check-in at the Blue Harbor Resort.


How can I earn the scholarship?

A $150 scholarship (personal check) is earned by participating in all sessions of the two-day event, including breakfast and lunch both days, and the gathering on Monday.

Completion of the online course evaluation at the conclusion of the seminar on Tuesday is required. Please allow at least 2 weeks for processing of checks following the seminar.


NOTE: To remain in compliance with Lakeland University and IRS protocol, a completed W-9 Form must be on file before check can be processed. Form will be made available on site.


Do I need to make a reservation at the hotel?

No. The OAFEE will provide a rooming list to the hotel following the deadline date of October 25th, 2019. The information provided in the registration form below will be used to reserve your space at the event. Please complete the form in its entirity and provide any necessary information in the appropriate fields. Every effort will be made to meet your requests.

Registration Form EFOL:

Clergy & Nonprofits


Lakeland University 

W3718 South Drive

Plymouth, WI 53073


920-565-1023 ext. 2155

The OAFEE operates as a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt, nonprofit organization.


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